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Fatih Bektas

Rechtsanwalt & Fachanwalt

Maintainins a high level of professionalism and compassion at all times.

Willem Büchler

Willem Büchler

Rechtsanwalt & Fachanwalt

Maintainins a high level of professionalism and compassion at all times.

Martin Duncker

Dr. Martin Duncker

Rechtsanwalt & Fachanwalt

Maintainins a high level of professionalism and compassion at all times.

Tobias Fürniß

Maintainins a high level of professionalism and compassion at all times.

Heiko Hofstätter

Dr. Heiko Hofstätter

Rechtsanwalt & Fachanwalt

Maintainins a high level of professionalism and compassion at all times.


Am Paradeplatz 20
69126 Heidelberg

Tel: +49 6221 321 44 70
Fax: +49 6221 321 44 79
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